1996 Fools: [ADV] AD Vision gets rights to GOLD DIGGER
Article 232173 of rec.arts.anime:
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From: docangst@MCS.COM (Angst-sensei)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime,rec.arts.anime.misc
Subject: [ADV] AD Vision gets rights to GOLD DIGGER
Date: 1 Apr 1996 00:06:26 -0600
Organization: /usr/lib/news/organi[sz]ation
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Message-ID: <4jnrp2$jo6@Mercury.mcs.com>
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Xref: news.jhu.edu rec.arts.anime:232173 rec.arts.anime.misc:892
Fans of Fred Perry's GOLD DIGGER comic, published by Antarctic Press,
will be pleased to note that the much-ballyhooed idea of a GOLD DIGGER
anime will be made reality--interestingly enough, apparently AD Vision
got the early lead in optioning the GOLD DIGGER anime before it was
released--the last time they did that was for GUNSMITH CATS!
I think GOLD DIGGER will prove to be just as funny in its animated form
as in the original--and it fits with the ADV paradigm of cutes and
over-the-top humour.
Still no word on whether the series will be animated domestically or in
Japan; if in Japan, any speculation on who will do the character
(Expecting a DRAGON HALF-esque romp....)