1995 Fools: Re: New Fox series about the net
From agm@cais2.cais.com Wed Apr 5 21:05:06 EDT 1995
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From: agm@cais2.cais.com (Adam Guasch-Melendez)
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Subject: Re: New Fox series about the net
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Date: 1 Apr 1995 22:46:09 GMT
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Keith F. Lynch (kfl@access3.digex.net) wrote:
: Found in the latest (April 1) _Variety_. Forwarded without permission:
: In a surprise move, Fox reports that they are cancelling their Award-
: winning series _The Simpsons_, effective the end of this month.
: Replacing it is a new series, _Hackers_. Set in the present, this
: high-tech true-crime thriller shows us the seamy underside of the
: Information Superhighway.
: Fox has spared no expense when it comes to technical accuracy. The
: techical advisors for the show are Laurence Canter and Martha Siegal,
: authors of the contraversial _How to Make a Forture on the Information
: Superhighway_, and victims of real-life hackers who attempted to derail
: their on-line advertising campaign.
: The two-hour premier shows the FBI and BATF track down and capture
: a gang of ruthless child pornographers who are in cahoots with the
: notorious "PKZ" who developed an ingenious secret code -- unbreakable
: even by the NSA! -- for them to peddle their evil wares, and with a
: mysterious message-laundering ring in Finland, which specializes in
: making Internet transactions totally untracable. It will be broadcast
: on Sunday evening, April 31, at 8 pm eastern time, 7 central.
: --
: Keith Lynch, kfl@access.digex.net
: Please CC any followups to me, as news on this site is chronically
: unreliable. Thanks.
April Fool!