1994 Fools: Govt to ban Web/MUD/List traffic
From CMC%RPITSVM.BITNET@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU Fri Apr 1 10:49:30 1994
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Date: Fri, 1 Apr 1994 10:32:50 EST
Reply-To: Computer Mediated Communication <CMC@RPITSVM.BITNET>
Sender: Computer Mediated Communication <CMC@RPITSVM.BITNET>
From: "Andrew P. Dinsdale" <ADINSDA@WAYNEST1.BITNET>
Subject: Govt to ban Web/MUD/List traffic
To: Multiple recipients of list CMC <CMC@RPITSVM.BITNET>
Status: R
I am researching Computer Mediated Collaboration for my MA and sent a few
questions to a NII Think-Tank e-mail address. These asked about the
feasibility of Virtual/Online organizations and the likely effects of
enforcing encryption standards.
In reply I received long winded, official looking document/FAQ, from Lirpa Day
- email afd@policyA.nii.gov
>The increasing overload of Internet traffic on the telecommunication resources
>;some 346,345 % in the last calender year has led to the following policy
>a) World Wide Web traffic will cease to be allowed. This policy will remain i
>n effect until ISDN becomes nationwide.
>b) Multi-User Domains will be banned. Similar steps were taken in Australia.
>c) News-Groups and E-Mail lists will be evaluated for worth and content, plans
>exist to cut such Internet use by 30%.
I think this is more important than clipper and I urge you all to reply to this
Lirpa Day and tell her where to go! Where does this leave this list? I have to
get to class so I can't labor the point. Please respond!
Andrew P. Dinsdale - adinsda@cms.cc.wayne.edu
Wayne State University, MA Candidate - Department of Communication.
World Wide Web URL = http://pass.wayne.edu/adinsda.html